Dale Sky Jones on Friends of the Farm Lecture Series

Chancellor Dale Sky Jones was the featured guest on the Friends of the Farm Lecture series 6 p.m. March 20, 2024. 

Dale stands as a pioneering figure in the cannabis sector. Since launching her journey in 2007, she has been at the forefront of the movement toward legalization, adeptly juggling her family responsibilities while spearheading a renowned establishment that educates budding entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry.

As a prominent advocate for cannabis reform, Dale played instrumental roles, including acting as the spokesperson and legislative representative for California’s Proposition 19 in 2010, and leading the Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform as its Chairwoman. She is deeply invested in ensuring fairness and social equity within the burgeoning cannabis market, overseeing various initiatives throughout the United States. Dale is also a recognized authority in the field, frequently invited to speak at events, and her insights have enriched numerous articles and documentaries.

The Friends of the Farm Lecture Series aims to provide concise yet comprehensive cannabis education through intimate sessions. Each meeting welcomes a distinguished guest speaker to share expert knowledge and perspectives, enriching attendees’ understanding and enhancing their experiences as cannabis consumers.

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