Horticulture Live Program

This program includes seventeen online, self-paced courses with corresponding live Zoom classes. Class is in progress, don’t delay. Enroll now!

Extraction & Manufacturing

Sales of cannabis edibles, beverages, topicals and other specialty products are growing. Companies are hiring extraction, manufacturing and testing talent to meet demand. Deep dive into the tools, techniques, and safety procedures needed to work in a lab or set up your own.

American Pot Story: Oaksterdam

The unknown origin story of how a handful of underdogs risked everything to ignite the current worldwide revolution in cannabis policy.

Visit Oaksterdam's Landmark on the Cannabis Trail

See where it all began at NUG in Downtown Oakland.

get started

Who We Help. 

We provide training, technical assistance, and support for job seekers, businesses, education providers, professionals, and government.


Reduce turnover, improve efficiency and inspire customer loyalty


Protect public health, increase tax revenues, promote sustaining markets


Quality curricula and training resources


Your trusted source

Job Seekers

Get hired and promoted


Learn, grow, and shape a career


Leaders in cannabis