Shout-Out to Women in the Industry

Photo of Angela White

We love that Angela White gives a shout-out to Oaksterdam University Executive Chancellor Dale Sky Jones in a recent article in Forbes titled Creating Space in the Cannabis and Psychedelic Diaspora to Honor Women.

Angela is Equity for Industry Program Manager at Success Centers where she focuses on developing sustainable career and entrepreneurial paths previously less accessible to communities impacted by inequality and the War on Drugs.

In the story, Angela gives props to many amazing women in the cannabis industry, including Dale. Here’s what she said:

“It’s always an honor for me to acknowledge all of the super sisters in cannabis who volunteer their time and talents to the equity community, and have made this work possible for the Equity for Industry Program. Our mission is to empower marginalized community members through education, employment, and art programs, so they may develop a positive self-image as well as a sense of hope and purpose for their future. Grateful to all of the women in the industry who have helped us with this important mission!”

To read more about Angela and other amazing women in the industry, read the article here

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