“The More You Know, the More You Grow!”
Oaksterdam University, America’s premier cannabis college, and GrowGeneration, the largest hydroponics supplier in the country, are thrilled to announce their brand new industry educational partnership. The partnership will ensure that GrowGen staff members — known as GrowPros — are educated in all facets of cannabis horticulture, so they can empower customers to successfully grow cannabis and increase their yields.
Through the partnership, Oaksterdam’s expert faculty will develop a bespoke team member training program based on leading-edge technology and techniques, allowing GrowGen staff to best assist novice and expert growers alike with relevant cultivation and product information. The relationship will create new and loyal customers for GrowGen while expanding Oaksterdam’s alumni base.
“By ensuring that our staff is the most well-trained in the industry, we will help plant lovers and the canna-curious get the knowledge and equipment they need,” says Michael Salaman, President, and Co-Founder of Denver-based GrowGen. “We believe this partnership will increase customer satisfaction, reduce employee turnover, and help expand the number of thriving home-growers in the North American cannabis community.”
The partnership will be announced formally at the 10th anniversary of MJBizCon, one of the country’s largest cannabis expos, held in Las Vegas on Oct. 19-22, 2021.
“We are thrilled to bring our expertise and inspire the love of growing in GrowGen’s customers and help develop and train their rapidly expanding team,“ says Dale Sky Jones, executive chancellor of Oaksterdam University. “With our educational support, OU will help GrowGen’s customers utilize what they’re spending their hard-earned money on to improve results in their home grows. Successful outcomes in the garden inspire many benefits beyond the love of growing cannabis.”
Meet the OU Crew and Grow Generation at booth #5935 at MJBizCon, Oct. 18-22 in Las Vegas.