Hey California! We’ve filed your initiative, and I am counting on all of our OU Alumni to help make it happen!!!
We engaged in extensive discussions with thousands of stakeholders across California just like YOU, including community leaders, activists, elected officials, city and county employees and locals, the CA NAACP, Latino Voters’ Leagues, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Labor, Medical, Health Care and Environmental Groups. We also held dozens of hours of discussions with the Drafting Advisory Group, which included state and national partners including the Drug Policy Alliance, the Marijuana Policy Project, as well as CA NORML, Americans for Safe Access (ASA), Emerald Growers Association (EGA), Greater Los Angeles Collective Alliance (GLACA), California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA), New Approach, the Harborside Group, and the Council on Responsible Cannabis Regulation. We believe this effort has the most statewide input and consensus, and thus the greatest likelihood of succeeding on the 2016 ballot.
We’ve filed our proposed initiative language based on the policy priorities and common sense reforms Californians have been asking for for six years now. The policy points were submitted to the Manatt, Phelps and Phillips Law Firm, who created an elegant policy document that falls within the guidelines of the Blue Ribbon Commission’s Report, while complementing the historic actions of the California Legislature. Because of the important reforms we accomplish with respect to criminal justice, I’m thrilled to report Ms. Alice Huffman, on the NAACP National Board of Directors and Executive Director of CA NAACP, has joined me as a co-proponent!
The initiative language is available at reformca.com/2016. We welcome your comments and feedback until midnight PST on Thursday, October 8th.
Click here right now to share the big news on Facebook. The campaign has begun!
We’re excited to keep moving forward with new friends, so please forward this to someone you know! California’s prohibition of cannabis has failed. The time has come to set ourselves on a better path that replaces the damaging effects of prohibition with proven and safer regulations that benefit the whole state. So goes California, so goes the rest of the nation!
Together, we will legalize cannabis for adults in California in 2016.
Thanks for being with us,
-Dale, Oaksterdam University and the ReformCA team