Alumni, family and friends,
Oaksterdam University is celebrating ten years in 2017! With the fifth anniversary of the federal raid on Oaksterdam over this past weekend, we encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the efforts put in over the last ten years across the country. Take a moment to appreciate the efforts of those around you and those you love. And perhaps most importantly, pause to be grateful for your personal efforts that have enabled you to get where you are. We are filled with gratitude for our faculty, staff and students constant efforts to move the ball forward, and we know we couldn’t have had such productive years at Oaksterdam University without every single one of you.
Spring is a time of rejuvenation and hope, and this actually takes great effort. Take time to contemplate what you need to be the best you possible, and then take time to do it. We at OU are working to do the same, updating the curriculum and preparing for the new regulatory regimes. These efforts will allow all of us to accomplish our goals of finishing our tenth year with energy and enthusiasm.
Thank you for ten amazing years; we look forward many more together.
Dale Sky Jones
Executive Chancellor
Oaksterdam University